Link I'll never drink again Vol. 2: On Friday I asked my boss how the new lease

Sunday, September 10, 2006

On Friday I asked my boss how the new lease

Business was going. He said we're still in negotiations, but once they sign, things should move quickly. So, I asked, my new office, when? He said November. I said, "Well at least it's still this year." So, all I have to do is be patient. Patience is a virtue. I never had any patience when I was drinking. It was always all about me, right now! I lived my life by timing everything so that I didn't have to wait. Yesterday, on my way home from work, I got to the train tracks just as the bar came down. Did I bitch and moan and fume like I used to? No, I just went Oh well, and pulled out a book and started reading. I never even thought twice about it until I started writing this post. I'm constantly amazed and grateful for the changes in my life and to me since I got my life back on track and stopped drinking it away. I owe all of you bloggers a great big THANK YOU for your constant support and comments. I do appreciate it. Peace.


Blogger Unknown said...


3:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I pray for patience just about everyday. Even is something I struggle with...but in a different way. For me now, I just have to remind myself to first breathe....then act :-)


11:14 PM  
Blogger Trudging said...

It all sounds like progress to me!

6:43 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

I am just starting to notice I have more patience, its sort of just creeps up on you doesnt it.
I am just over 2 years sober so I have still a way to go yet but a lot of the promises are starting to happen.

9:56 AM  
Blogger JJ said...

Progress not perfection.
Still seeing you bro,

7:07 AM  

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