Link I'll never drink again Vol. 2: Just came from a great meeting.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Just came from a great meeting.

We had a good meeting this afternoon. The subject was how do we give during this holiday season. I thought oh no, this will be about how much money you can give but, I heard a lot of different ways to do just that without thinking only of material gifts. By far, the best example, for me, was that my gift to my friends and family was continuing to be sober. What a concept! I know my Mom and brother and sister do consider it a gift from God that I'm sober today. Hell, so do I. Someone mentioned about how they never called their family when they were supposed to because they weren't sober. Lord knows, that was my excuse many times. Not for the last couple years though. It's always a good idea for me to revisit my old self. To remember what it was like then. And as I've said before, to enjoy what it's like now.


Blogger dAAve said...

it was a wonderufl meeting.
they all are.

6:52 PM  

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