Link I'll never drink again Vol. 2: Gratitude Once Again

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Gratitude Once Again

Today I'm grateful for:

Friends, who whether they know it or not, help me with my sobriety
My sponsor who never gives up on me.
Sunrises....I get to see another one today.
That I like to get up at 4 am and start my day.
For fresh ground coffee.
That I'm not going to drink today.
That I'm going to PA in a few weeks to see my family and for once I'm not too worried about it.
That I'm finally getting my eyes checked on Tuesday and soon I'll be able to see that sign....waaaay over there!
For my job.
For my dog.
For electricity.
For the Library.

Enough already. My friend Scott told me yesterday how to work with Plexiglas and I was able to fashion a new sunroof for my car. One that will never open or leak, I hope. My friend DAAve is coming over this morning to help me with this Blog. I'm still learning how to do all this stuff with this computer. Sometimes I feel so stupid for not knowing or understanding how it all works but then I have to remind myself that I'm still capable of learning. That's good, right? So I keep trying. Just like my sobriety. Norris says so often that I'm not the first person to think this or that. I always thought I was the first. No ego there. Ha. My point of view is always askew. Maybe the new glasses will help. Have a great day


Blogger dAAve said...

regarding being unique or thinking that no one has ever thought about or done something before ...

"If there's a name for it, someone's done it already"

7:34 AM  

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